New project leader for Liquid Argon Calorimeter
15 January 2008
Isabelle Wingerter-Seez with her two children
In March 2008, Isabelle Wingerter-Seez officially becomes Liquid Argon Calorimeter Project Leader. She takes over from Horst Oberlack who served in this capacity for seven years. Isabelle is a young woman, married, raising 14 and 16 year-old children.
She obtained her PhD from Pierre et Marie-Curie, Paris VI University in 1985. Immediately after that, she dived into CERN where she was deeply involved in UA1 then in OPAL/LEP experiments until 1990. She joined ATLAS and RD3 early in 1991, immersed from the beginning in the Liquid Argon. This liquid is probably very tasty as she got immediately addicted and could never step out.
In parallel to her involvement in ATLAS, she participated, from 1997 to 2001, in running experiment NA48. Since 2001, she has decided to devote her work exclusively to ATLAS, where she took responsibilities in the test and analyses of the LAr single modules during the test beam period 2001 and 2002. In 2003, Isabelle was nominated group leader of the ATLAS LAPP (Annecy), a group of 20 physicists and 5 engineers.
This was the beginning of a new era for LHC women in France. After that, everything went so fast: member of the LAr Steering Group, 2004 ATLAS Combined Run co-Coordinator, Combined Run analysis co-Coordinator and so on. Besides these tasks, she supervised many theses and participated in physics analyses and detector performance studies. In 15 years of ATLAS existence, Isabelle Wingerter-Seez is just the second woman elected as detector system Project Leader. We are all confident that she will be successful in making the LAr Calorimeter system efficient and ready for physics and that she will find behind each member of the LAr system community a helpful colleague and a lot of support.
Bon courage to our adventurer!
Faïrouz Malek
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