An early nomination for spokesperson
11 December 2007
Dear Muriel,
There will be elections in 2008 for a new Spokesperson. Peter Jenni will be a hard person to follow: we need someone who will be highly visible and tough. Having watched your exploits through the ATLAS eNews, it is clear that you are the most visible person in ATLAS and it seems to me that you are just the kind of person we need to be our next Spokesperson (Spokesanimal?). Have you given this possibility any thought?
Yours, Animal Lover.
Muriel's reply:
Dear Animal Lover,
Thank you very much for your support. I thought it was about time someone asked! I am certainly interested in the position. Will I get a CD plate for my car?
Yours, Muriel
Muriel decided to check out the scene before accepting to run for the ATLAS spokesperson position and gave it a try in the spokesperson's office.
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