ATLAS Web Lectures
13 October 2008
The University of Michigan ATLAS Collaboratory Project records and publishes electronic web lectures of ATLAS and LHC events at CERN and around the globe. We record:
- Plenary Sessions from ATLAS Collaboration Weeks
- A Variety of ATLAS and LHC Workshops
- Tutorials on ATLAS Software Development, Physics Analysis Tools, and more
Hot Off The Press!
The October ATLAS Week Plenary Sessions are now available for viewing, directly linked to the talks listed on the Indico Agenda pages.
Lyn Evans on status of the LHC
Other Recent Recordings
Other most recently published ATLAS Lectures include:
July 2008 ATLAS Week Plenary Sessions
Physics and Performance Workshop
April 2008 ATLAS Week Plenary Sessions
February 2008 ATLAS Week Plenary Sessions
LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop Lecture Archives
October 2007 ATLAS Week Plenary Sessions
Distributed Analysis Tool Tutorials
Computing Operations I: EGEE Production
Computing Operations II: Data, Dashboards, FTS
The Lecture Archives
The full collection of Michigan Lecture Archives can be found under the WLAP Portal and include a variety of interesting and pertinent material, presented in a hierarchichal and searchable view. Material specific to ATLAS can be found here.
Our team has been recording and archiving lectures since 1999 and has made significant contributions toward the development of the lecture-archiving industry. This has included the design and implementation of recording and publishing tools, as well as archiving standards. All lectures in the archive may be viewed with any standard browser using the free Real Player plug-in and more recent lectures, such as those recorded in the New Physics Workshop can also be viewed using the free Flash Player plug-in. All can be viewed on any platform, either directly, or by first downloading, in the case of limited network resources.
Feedback & Suggestions Welcome
Suggestions for events or tutorials to record in the coming year, as well as feedback on existing archives is always welcome. Please contact us at wlap@umich.edu. Thank you.
Enjoy the Lectures!
The Michigan Web Lecture Team
Steven Goldfarb
Jeremy Herr
Homer A. Neal

Steven Goldfarb
University of Michigan
Full ATLAS Web lecture archive
Recent Highlights
October 2008 ATLAS Week Plenary Sessions
July 2008 ATLAS Week Plenary Sessions
April 2008 ATLAS Week Plenary Sessions
February 2008 ATLAS Week Plenary Sessions
LHC New Physics Signatures Workshop Lecture Archives
October 2007 ATLAS Week Plenary Sessions
Distributed Analysis Tool Tutorials
Computing Operations I: EGEE Production
Computing Operations II: Data, Dashboards, FTS
ATLAS Overview Week Plenary Sessions (Oct 2007)
First ATLAS Physics Workshop of the Americas (Aug 2007)
Glasgow Overview Week Plenary Sessions (Jul 2007)
CTEQ Workshop: "Physics at the LHC: Early Challenges" (May 2007)
Physics Analysis Tools Workshop (Apr 2007)