Engin Arik

Memories from the Gaziantep ATLAS group

Although we had known Engin Arik for a few years, we had worked closely with her only since the Spring of 2007. Our relationship has therefore been relatively short, but in this time Engin had directed our group into a new and exciting direction. The involvement of the Gaziantep HEP group in the ATLAS collaboration is the direct result of Engin's hard work and enthusiasm for the furthering of research in Turkey. In her death we have realized even more the extent to which Engin had touch many others; the sincere messages of grief we have received from many colleagues in ATLAS is credit to Engin's years of devotion to physics and the friendships she had formed. We owe a great deal to Engin Arik, and we miss her friendship.

One of Engin's many prodigies was Engin Abat, a young Master student we had the pleasure of sharing an office with at CERN this summer. During our short time working with him we were touched by his passion and dedication to the work, and especially his willingness to help and share his enthusiasm with others. It is a great tragedy that his life was cut short at such a young and dynamic age.

Ayda Beddall
Andrew Beddall
Ahmet Bingul

Gaziantep HEP Group