On Friday 30 November, a Turkish plane flying from Istanbul to Isparta crashed as it approached its destination, claiming the lives of all 57 people on board. ATLAS collaborators Professor Engin Arik, Research Assistant Özgen Berkol Dogan and graduate student Engin Abat from Bogaziçi University, as well as CAST experiment members Prof. Dr. Senel Boydag, Associate Prof. Dr. Iskender Hikmet and Research Assistant Mustafa Fidan from Dogus University, were on board.
ATLAS collaborators remember their lost colleagues.
Engin Arik was literally a radiating woman, both on a personal and professional level.
Berkol Dogan was famous for the warmth of his smile and personality. I honestly can't remember a single time when he wasn't laughing or cracking a joke.
I was always impressed with Engin Abat's enthusiasm to help and his genuine interest to learn as much as he could.