ATLAS e-News
27 May 2008
News from the pit
At the end of May, the final commissioning tests of the ATLAS magnet system will start.
Inner Detector software workshop at Ringberg castle
"Marvellous" - that's what you hear from participants when they recall last week's Inner Detector software workshop at Ringberg castle.
Public understanding of physics in guided tours
How much physics do visitors actually understand after a visit to ATLAS?
Knowledge transfer from creation to innovation
How often have you asked how much knowledge is generated and transferred from the ATLAS experiment? A study from Helsinki University and CERN makes a detailed analysis of individual perception, assessment, context and tools in which ATLAS and the others LHC experiments in general evolved and track the various aspects of knowledge acquisition and transfer.
“After a lot of travelling, it feels like I’m coming back home,” says Yann Coadou.
The full programme of ATLAS events.
All of the latest tutorials archives published by the University of Michigan ATLAS Collaboratory Project are now available.