ATLAS e-News
7 April 2008
News from the pit
The CERN vacuum team has taken on the very difficult task of designing, assembling and installing the beam pipes.
Solveig Albrand Receives the CNRS Cristal Award
Solveig Albrand is one of the two 2007 laureates for the IN2P3.
Muon cabling nears completion
As the LHC switch-on date draws closer, the installation of the muon cabling system is almost complete.
The Inner Detector Evaporative Heater Problems
Over the past 18 months the heaters used in the evaporative cooling system have caused the Inner Detector community countless sleepless nights. The strange thing is that these heaters are very simple in concept construction, and should be easy to operate. If only it had been that easy!
�Even a space rocket is much simpler to build than the ATLAS detector,� says Kirill Egorov.
The full programme of ATLAS events.
All of the latest tutorials archives published by the University of Michigan ATLAS Collaboratory Project are now available.