ATLAS e-News
23 February 2011
Have your say!
26 January 2009
A peek at the survey
The new-look e-news has been around for just over a year, and we have decided it’s about time we found out what you think. To this end, we’ve put together a short online survey, which we’d love all our readers – regular or sporadic - to complete anonymously.
Is there an area you’d like to see get more attention? Is there a part of the site that you find pointless, boring, or irritating? Was there a particular article or issue that you thought worked really well?
We want to hear about it! We also want to get more of an idea about who exactly is reading the e-news, so we make sure to include more of what interests you and pitch the articles at the right level. Outside of ATLAS itself, we know we have regular readers from Nature, the BBC, and several national newspapers, and we’re especially happy to have received reports that e-news is being used in school and university classrooms as a teaching aid. We want to use this opportunity to get a clearer picture of our audience – both inside and outside of ATLAS – and their opinions.
Concurrent to taking stock of where we’ve got to over the last year, there are other changes afoot. With the busy construction and commissioning phases now complete, we have decided to publish every other week, rather than weekly. In line with this, we’ve halved our staff. Katie McAlpine continues to manage the website and contribute regular articles from her base in Michigan, USA, and I am based here at CERN full time for the following year.
If you have a story you’d like to see in e-news, or are an ATLAS collaborator who would like to write something of your own to appear on these pages, get in touch with me on 0041 22 76 71121, or email me at ceri.anna.perkinscern.ch. If you just have a vague idea, we can help you work it into a full article, no problem.
As always, positive and negative comments are all gratefully received. We really appreciate you taking five minutes to give us some feedback.
![]() Ceri PerkinsATLAS e-News