ATLAS e-News
23 February 2011
Earthquakes in Abruzzi region
23 April 2009
It was with sorrow and concern that we learned of the earthquake in the Abruzzi region of Italy, home to INFN's Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) and our colleagues who work there.
Although the facility itself has seen little damage, for Italy, it is the one of the worst earthquakes in 30 years, exacting heavy tolls in deaths and injuries, in devastated homes. Grief for the 294 dead and compassion for the thousands who must rebuild their lives stretches far beyond the region, and certainly is felt in all corners of our collaboration. We are relieved that our colleagues met no serious physical harm, but unfortunately, many of their homes have been damaged or destroyed.
Naturally, time away from work is offered to those at LNGS who need to make repairs or find new housing. Meanwhile, the underground experimental halls are investigated for safety issues, with authorization from the lab director, and as of last Wednesday, no damage has been found.
The cost of rebuilding the region is estimated at 12 billion Euro, according the Associated Press. The recent message from the CERN DG offered two options for those who wish to donate to the victims of the quake.
You can contribute by making a money transfer to the Bank CARISPAQ SPA, quoting as reason for the transfer: "Vittime terremoto L'Aquila"
IBAN code: IT 53 Z 06040 15400 000 000 155 762
BIC/Swift code: BPMOIT22XXX
If you are at CERN, you can also go to the bank in the Main Building and make your donations to the special UBS account no. CH85 0027 9279 HU10 6832 1, with the reason for payment “Séisme Italie”.
The money collected from the UBS account will be transferred to the Italian Mission of the Geneva International Organizations via the CERN Italian delegation.
Thanks to those who have already donated.