ATLAS e-News
23 February 2011
CERN Relay
18 May 2009
On the winners' platform
May 14th had a gloomy start, as ominous looking clouds rolled around the sky with intent, and the sun struggled to show its face. But a bit of weather was not enough to put off the runners in the CERN relay race. Oh no. At stake were pride, honour, and several surprisingly shiny trophies.
Teams of six ran the Meyrin-site course in stretches of 1000m, 800m, 800m, 500m, 500m, and 300m. Participation level was at a record high, with a total of 88 teams taking part. Much appreciated by all participants, Director General Rolf Heuer himself came to distribute the trophies at the award ceremony, and musical entertainment was provided by the Canettes Blues Band and the Santa Luis Band.
A total of eight teams from ATLAS took part. The ATLAS Delay Team came 9th overall, with a time of 12m18.2s; SLAC were 34th, completing the course in 13m4.9s; next were the Dead Pixels – 48th with a time of 13m36.6s; the Tile Jets ran in 13m41.6s, making them 51st overall; How to Run… the SCT finished in 61st place with 14m0.4s; in 68th were The Last Straw, running in 14m19.1s; the all-female Running Athenas ranked 77th with 15m4.4s; and finally the ATLAS Turtles finished 84th in a time of 17m0.9s. All impressive times considering the two big hills on the 3.9km circuit.
ATLAS was represented on the podium by the Running Athenas, who came second out of six all-female teams. It’s the fourth consecutive year that they’ve lost out to the CMS team, The CMS Sparks, this time by just 8 seconds. If you believe in karma you’d take this as a sign that ATLAS will definitely be first to find the Higgs…
Full ATLAS team listings are given below, and take a look at this week’s Photo Gallery for more fun images from the day.
ATLAS Delay Team; 9th; 12m18.2s
Andreas Salzburger |
1000m |
Niels van Eldik |
800m |
Johanna Fleckner |
800m |
Manuel Kayl |
500m |
Edward Moyse |
500m |
Andreas Wildauer |
300m |
SLAC team; 34th; 13m4.9s
Per Hansson |
1000m |
Philippe Grenier |
800m |
Paul Jackson |
800m |
Bart Butler |
500m |
Claus Horn |
500m |
David Miller |
300m |
Dead Pixels; 48th; 13m36.6s
Markus Keil |
1000m |
Andrew Nelson |
800m |
Kristof Schmieden |
800m |
Heather Gray |
500m |
Robindra Prabhu |
500m |
Anna Henrichs |
300m |
Tile Jets Tilecal team; 51st; 13m41.6s
Denis Santos |
1000m |
Lukas Prybl |
800m |
Valerio Rossetti |
800m |
Fábio Vinagre |
500m |
Natanael Junior |
500m |
Rodrigo Pereira |
300m |
How to run... the SCT team; 61st; 14m0.4s
Alison Lister |
1000m |
Per Johansson |
800m |
Ingo Torchiana |
800m |
Nick Barlow |
500m |
Jose Garcia Navarro |
500m |
Saverio D'Auria |
300m |
The Last Straw team; 68th; 14m19.1s
Andrea Bocci |
1000m |
Marc Goulette |
800m |
Kirill Prokofiev |
800m |
Peter Cwetanski |
500m |
James Degenhardt |
500m |
Andrey Loginov |
300m |
The Running ATHENAS; 77th; 15m4.4s
Helenka Przysiezniak Frey |
1000m |
Monica Dunford |
800m |
Jessica Leveque |
800m |
Pauline Gagnon |
500m |
Shulamit Moed |
500m |
Diana Scannicchio |
300m |
ATLAS Turtles; 84th; 17m0.9
Florbela Viegas |
1000m |
Elisabeth Vinek |
800m |
Petya Lilova |
800m |
Claire Gibon |
500m |
Kate Richardson |
500m |
Alexia Leyval |
300m |
![]() Ceri PerkinsATLAS e-News