ATLAS e-News
23 February 2011
ATLAS book UK launch
3 November 2008
Signing books at the UK launch
The publisher of Exploring the Mystery of Matter – The ATLAS Experiment, PAPADAKIS, held an event in its UK hometown last week, to celebrate the official launch of the book to the wide public.
The launch took place in the wonderful Monkey Island hotel, which is located on Bray-on-Thames (by the waters of the river Thames) about one hour from London City.
It was not the number of guests (about 70) that made the launch a success, but the mix of people. There were photographers, architects, authors, and high-school teachers among other curious people.
A pair of teachers asked me to sign three books. Each one would keep one book, but the third copy was to be shared with their students. They told me that they had already booked a trip to CERN with their classes next spring and they were very happy to have had the opportunity to hear live physicists talking about their experiences.
The speakers were Brian Cox, Norman McCubbin and Peter Waltkins, who are based in UK and are active in the ATLAS collaboration. They talked about physics, the ATLAS experiment and the collaboration.
Thanks are owed to Brian, Norman and Peter, for making the event a success and helping to show the public why ATLAS matters so much to all of us here.
More on the photo boook:
Going to the printers
ATLAS launch
![]() Claudia MarcelloniCERN |
If your institute is interested in holding an event to talk about ATLAS through the book, we will be happy to lend you the book display shown below. It can be used along with www.atlasbook.ch, which is a travel exhibit in its own. If you have any questions about it, please contact me (Claudia.marcelloni@cern.ch).
Exploring the Mystery of Matter is available at the ATLAS Secretariat, the CERN shop, and at www.papadakis.net.