ATLAS e-News
23 February 2011
What is EVO and why is VRVS going away?
11 December 2007
What is EVO?
EVO (Enabling Virtual Organizations) is a web-based video conferencing system designed for large scientific collaborations, like ATLAS. It replaces VRVS (Virtual Room Videoconferencing System), which now receives minimal support and which will disappear early in 2008. The software and web interface work on any laptop or desktop using any major operating system. The newly installed conference rooms at CERN, such as 40-4-C01, are set up to use it.
Why is VRVS going away? What improvements come with EVO?
EVO is a complete re-write, which aims to improve reliability and ease of use, compared to VRVS. It uses the MonALISA monitoring software to allow one to identify problems and to make adjustments in real time. If some of your colleagues connect without a proper microphone or headset and are disrupting the meeting, for example, you can mute them or drop them from the meeting.
Are there any tutorials on how to use EVO?
Several interactive tutorials have been given in 40-4-C01, teaching how to use the hardware in that room and focusing on making EVO video conferences. More could be planned if there is interest (contact Video Conferencing Support). In the mean time, some excellent web-based tutorials can be found here.
Is EVO free?
Now, that's a loaded question. The end user pays absolutely nothing to register and install the software, nor to use it. Of course, someone has to pay for your internet connection and someone pays for the development and maintenance of the software. For now, the EVO Project is supported by several funding agencies, most notably the U.S. Department of Energy. It is possible, however, that the LHC collaborations, as primary users, will help out. Regardless, anyone is allowed to register and use the application.
How do I find out more about EVO, including how to register, install and use the system?
Here are some important links:
EVO Home Page
EVO User Manual
EVO Support E-Mail
EVO Web Article from New Zealand
CERN Video Conferencing Facilities
CERN Video Conferencing Tutorials
CERN Video Conferencing Support Mailing List
More Information
https://cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/CollabTools - ATLAS Collaborative Tool Information & Contacts
http://cern.ch/it-multimedia/collaborative - CERN IT Collaborative Tool Services
forum-collaborative-tools@cern.ch - Mailing list for General Collaborative Tool Questions, Comments
hn-atlas-collaborativeTools@cern.ch - Hypernews forum for ATLAS-specific Collaborative Tool Issues