ATLAS e-News
23 February 2011
How do I book a phone conference at CERN?
29 November 2007
CERN has a 24/7 phone conferencing system called eDial with a web interface. Here is how to use it:
Register via the EDH form at http://edh.cern.ch/Document/AudioConf
Q: Why do I need permission from my group leader? Will this cost money?
A: If you book a meeting and allow participants to join via call-back, you will pay for their call. One can disable this feature when booking the meeting. Click on "Conference Features" and make sure there is no check mark in the box.
Follow the instructions on the User Guide to book a conference. Be sure to communicate the conference code to the expected participants.
If call-back is turned off (recommended) a participant joins by calling +41.22.767.6000 and entering the conference code. The web interface at https://audioconf.cern.ch allows one to monitor participation, chat, share files, book and modify meetings.
There is also a booking interface on the Indico agenda system.
More Information
CollabTools - ATLAS Collaborative Tool Information & Contacts
forum-collaborative-tools@cern.ch - Mailing list for General Collaborative Tool Questions, Comments
telephone.standard@cern.ch - Support for CERN Telephones and Audio Conferencing Systems