ATLAS e-News
Special Issue
Messages of condolence from members of ATLAS and others
19 December 2007
From: Yves Lemoigne
To: Physique sans frontières
Subject: Four PSF friends were killed in the recent plane crash in Turkey
Dear Friends,
We were very sad after the tragic new that four PSF friends were killed in the recent plane crash in Turkey: Prof. Engin ARIK and four young physicists who all participated in two last Four-Seas-Conferences in Istanbul and Iasi. Engin was a strong support of PSF since the beginning of the initiative. She welcomed us in her university in 2004 in a so marvellous manner!
We have modified the home-page of the PSF website (www.psf2.org) in a page dedicated to their memory. Please have a look (you will find also a copy of the Herald Tribune about the crash).
Best Regards
PSF Chairman
From: Professor Spyros Eust. Tzamarias
To: Peter Jenni, Konstantin Zioutas
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Hellenic Society for the Study of High Energy Physics, I would like to extend our sincere condolences and sympathy on the sudden loss of our ATLAS and CAST Colleagues, Engin Arik, Engin Abat, Berkol Dogan, Senel Boydag and Iskender Hikme.
In this difficult and sorrow time our thoughts are with the devastated families of our Turkish Colleagues.
Sincerely Yours
Spyros Eust. Tzamarias
President of the Hellenic Society for the Study of High Energy Physics
From: Harvey Newman
To: Peter Jenni
Subject: A note of condolence from US CMS following the plane crash in Turkey
Dear Peter,
I am writing on behalf of US CMS to express our great sadness, and heartfelt sympathy to the families of the Turkish physicists, including three in ATLAS, who passed away tragically in the plane crash last weekend.
Our thoughts are with you, and the families.
Harvey Newman
From: Pier Oddone
To: Robert Aymar
Subject: Condolences to the CERN community
Dear Robert,
I was greatly saddened by the tragic news of the airplane crash and the death of six Turkish colleagues. Please accept Fermilab's condolences to the CERN community on this loss.
Best regards,
Fermilab Director General
From: Fido Dittus
To: Andrew Beddall, Serkant Cetin
Dear Andrew and Serkant,
The tragic loss of our colleagues last Friday has deeply shaken all of us in the TRT Collaboration. The sad news had been met with enormous dismay. I spoke with many people who had know Engin Arik, Engin Abat or Berkol Dogan, and everyone was deeply moved and spoke with great respect about their remembrances.
On behalf of the ATLAS TRT community, I would like to express our deepest sympathy and sincere condolences to the families of the victims and to all of you, our colleagues in Istanbul and Gaziantep.
Fido Dittus
From: Harold Ogren
To: Andrew Beddall, Neslihan Becerici
Subject: Our heartfelt condolences from Indiana University
Hello Andrew and Neslihan,
We were all shocked to hear about the tragic airline crash that killed our three Turkish colleagues. I would like to offer my sincere condolences, and to offer any assistance that you might need in the future in continuing your work on ATLAS. Please let us know at Indiana if we can help in any way.
Harold Ogren for the Indiana group.
From: Ken Peach
To: Pauline Gagnon
I worked with Engin in both the 1970s and 1980s, and we stayed with them in Istanbul and Bodrum on several occasions. It is a great shock, and our immediate thoughts are with Metin, Yavuz and Jasmine.
Engin had enormous energy and great conviction. She was also a talented physicist. She was always smiling (except when people did things that she did not like, when we saw that fierce frown) and she did an enormous amount for Turkish physics, through her energy and boundless optimism and drive.
University of Oxford
From: Emmanuel Paschos
To: Konstantin Zioutas
Subject: A few words for Engin
Dear Kostas,
It was heartbreaking to hear the unfortunate and tragic death of Engin Arik. She was a famous particle physicist who enjoyed the esteem, respect and friendship also of theorists, including myself, with whom she discussed experimental results on neutrinos, on Axions, giving us new insights on the results and taking back our advice for the interpretation of data. She came to an early Balkan Physical Society meeting in Greece expressing a deep interest in building an accelerator in the neighboring countries with Turkey spearheading the project.
My family and me will miss her very much,
Emmanuel A. Paschos
University of Dortmund