ATLAS e-News
23 February 2011
New look for ATLAS e-News
29 November 2007

The new look website
ATLAS e-News has a new look this month. With a brand new design, the website will make it easier for you to browse the different sections.
Also, the editorial committee has been expanded with the arrival from London of three science journalists, Ceri Perkins, Colin Barras and Cristina Jimenez. They join ATLAS e-News editor-in-chief Pauline Gagnon in the task of asking for contributions, editing and writing news items.
The team now aims to release e-News on a weekly basis. In every issue, you will find the latest news and one or two in-depth features on the ATLAS experiment. These main feature articles will still be written by ATLAS collaborators to keep the whole collaboration informed on major milestones, achievements, efforts, plans etc. It is therefore essential for all of you to keep contributing articles for the main feature section.
There are two sections new to ATLAS e-News; a profile section and a weekly tips page. In each issue, a different member of the ATLAS experiment will be profiled. The weekly tips page should help ATLAS contributors get the most from the collaborative tools available at CERN.
The photo gallery has also been redesigned and will contain impressive photos from the ATLAS experiment. We would like to thank Claudia Marcelloni for providing the material for the section.
Have your say
Now it is easier to share your thoughts with the rest of the ATLAS community. At the bottom of each article, there is the opportunity for you to leave a comment.
You can also contact us any time using the contact form or by emailing us at atlas-e-news@cern.ch. This is your chance to let us know if you have any stories you would like to see covered in ATLAS e-News or tell us about someone who you think would make an interesting profile subject.
The ATLAS e-News team would like to thank Cathy Needham, Marzena Lapka and Silvia Schuh for their help and co-operation in producing the new site.